Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Memorial Weekend Camping

This summer we did lots of fun activities that involved Miles getting wet and being a wild 2yr old boy! We started the season camping with Nana & Poppa at Collins Lake, our favorite place. We planned to camp for 4 days, it ended up raining a bit and by day 3 we were done with the damp ground an cool air so we packed up "Poppa's Notohome" (Miles lingo) and headed home. Regardless of the weather we still had tons of fun. We realized that Miles LOVES corn on the cob, he ate one every day for dinner.

Nana and I had our favorite and fabulous Bloody Mary's, Nana got tanked on just one (ok I did make it a little strong...). Poppa and Daddy took Miles to the park where there is a great playground with swings and stuff to climb on. It was a great trip and we can't wait to go back!